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Dr. Cleopatra Lightfoot-Booker, Psy.D. 

Licensed Clinical Psychologist 

CEO | Mental Health Advocate | Healthcare Executive Leader

Richmond, Virginia 









Dr. Cleopatra Lightfoot-Booker (A.K.A “Dr. Cleo Booker”) is a nationally known Licensed Clinical Psychologist, from Richmond, Virginia. She has led one of the largest behavioral health clinical teams in the country and has held several Executive Leadership positions within state government, federal government, and the private sector. She is currently the Senior Vice President of Business Transformation a Forge Health, one of the fastest growing private companies, according to Inc. 50000. 


Dr. Booker has played a significant role across the country in helping to address the Opioid Public Health Emergency, increasing access to mental health services, raising awareness of mental health needs and stigma, and advancing technology to support the identification of mental health services. Dr. Booker continues to work with various state and federal agencies, private companies, and community associations on a variety of policy, legislative, and multisystem changes. 


Dr. Booker serves the community through her private practice (Focus4U, LLC.), pro bono work, and through a variety of volunteer community services.  She currently serves on the Board of Local and Regional Jails in Virginia where she is the Chair of the Policy and Regulatory Review Committee and has a focus on delivering medical and mental healthcare for those incarcerated. Dr. Booker has been featured for two years due to her expertise, candid authentic nature, and ability to connect with people, at the largest African American festival in the United States, the Essence Festival, in 2021 and 2022. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, nature, dancing, and listening to any kind of music. Her favorite saying is “I do all things through Christ which strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). 

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